Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Taking the plunge

Well - I think I have a basic handle on most IT related things, but most of this web 2.0 stuff still has me a little bewildered.

I have a facebook page (how fun is facebook!!), and I podcast the Nova 106.9 breakfast show to listen to at the gym and when driving, but that is pretty much the extent of it. Juice is great podcasting software - I find it so much easier to use than iTunes.

I am off on my big adventure in a few weeks (2 months away in the US and Europe) so that fact that I am learning to blog is so timely right now. I have to learn if you can post pictures to your blog. I guess that will come next.

I can't wait to start holding classes in Web 2.0 technology. I think there is a real need for us to go beyond our basic internet and computer classes. This is fun stuff to be teaching.

Ok, will go now. Will blog later.


1 comment:

MicH said...

Hi Kel,

If you are finding this interesting, I am even more bamboozled! It's just step by step for me, but it is quite fun. Forget 15mins a day though, I'm doing this at home because it takes so long. Can't wait to see picies of your travels! Have fun!