Thursday, October 9, 2008

Colorado, Grand Canyon, New Mexico etc

Hi all
What a busy few days. Am currently in New Mexico. Spent most of the day in Colorado, did a jeep ride which was awesome. It is quite amazing here, the first part of the day we were in desert territory in Cortez Colorado, then around lunch time we were in mountain territory in Durango Colorado (which had snow capped mountains) and tonight we are Albarquarqe New Mexico. Seeing and eating heaps. Was in the Grand Canyon and Vegas a few days ago, did a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. (I did do a post a few days ago, but it seems it didn't save). Have heaps of photos, but it is really hard to get to a computer to upload stuff, so will show them when I get home.
All is good. Hope everyone is ok back home.


Gina said...

Enjoying following you and Blanche on your adventures GG

Locam said...

Good to see you haveing a good time. Hope you come home relaxed but it seems you have no time for relaxing. Enjoy.

IreneQHawtin said...

The pics look great, Kel.
I have been following you.......

Phuong had a baby girl...Josephine Phi...both well.